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Monday, May 26, 2008

Discover Kodera 2008 Needs

Ask and you shall receive. Below are the needs for the Kodera 2008 Adventure. Remember that all gifts are tax deductible for this adventure and our deadline was June 30th BUT WE STILL NEED MORE HELP! Donations are still needed and able to be accepted. One act of love...can start a chain reaction. (updated 7/23/08)

Laptop Computers
Needed: at least 4; Recieved: 9 (YEAH!)

Sister Missions will be presenting the computer literacy section of the conference. In this workshop, we will instruct Kodera teachers in basic computer use as well as Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher programs. The laptops will be taken over for use during instruction and given to Kodera teachers for future use. Computers do not need to be fancy. They need to be in working order (monitor, hard drive, keyboards, etc.) with a functioning operating system and have Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher programs installed and working. We prefer that all personal data from the previous owner be taken off prior to our handling the laptop. Before leaving on the Adventure, we will double check and delete any missed files. Please contact us if you or someone you know might have a laptop to donate or additional questions.

Funds Donations
Needed: $7,500; Recieved: $3,445

Sister Missions is ready and willing to do the hard work. This adventure requires travel, supplies and support that we can not completely pay for ourselves. The total investment we need is $7,500. This funding will go towards travel expenses, accomidations (no, not a 5 star hotel....we are staying in a guest house facility for $50 a day room and board), conference space, teaching materials and more! Please contact us if you or someone you know is interested in donating fund, has additional questions or would like more information.

Prayer Partners
Needed: There are never too many; Recieved: 20 known

All things are possible with God. What better way to ensure the outcome of this adventure is accomplishing God's will than with prayer. We pray but we also need a prayer team here at home to keep vigal during our preperations, the adventure itself and as continued support afterward. Please contact us if you or someone you know is willing to be a prayer partner.

Start the Chain Reaction - Give a gift!
To donate and/or become a prayer partner, please go to Donate NOW!

Below is a compilation of needs gathered from our other adventures. To discover more about a particular adventure, click on the adventure name. For more specifics on the associated needs, please click on the "Need By".

Andrea's Africa, July 2007
Needed by 6/30/08, NOT Tax Deductable at this time

  • Laptop Computers: At least 2 (received: 2)
  • Water Pump Donations: $8,000 (received: $0)

MoterCity BlightBusters, Sept 2008
No link yet to additional information. Project on hold. More info later!
Needed by 8/31/08, Tax Deductable

  • Funds Donations: $500,000 (received: 0)
  • Purchase Event Tickets : 200 (sold: 0)
  • Service Donations: Printing, setup, mailing, etc.
  • Product/Item Donation: raffle, auction, setup, etc.

With such a large mission at hand, we need many chain reactions. Be the spark that creates an explosion of excitement in your friends. Share this site with those you feel would want to come on this adventure with us. Email them this post now by clicking the small envelope image at the bottom of this post (to the right of the date stamp). Be sure to remind them to add to their safe list. Thank you.

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