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Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Priceless Lesson

Yesterday we received a link to this video. What a great way to share Kodera with you! Please take a few minutes to transport yourself into Kodera to walk with the people, listen to music, see the community, and experience the love.

What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below or through an email. Did you recognize one of our team members, Marijanne? For those of you that were with us in October/November, did you recognize the orange kits? Yes, those are World Vision AIDS caregiver kits. For those of you that do not remember or were not around, please click hereto learn more!

We digress…..back to Kodera. Could you see the love in their eyes even as you saw the need of their bodies? After just one look at the video, you have a clearer idea of the conditions that more than 50% of Kenyans live in. Imagine if you knew more… Digging deeper, beyond the obvious shock of visual differences, “getting to know” a country and its people, comprehending how a country “lives” everyday life and beginning to see as they see, do as they do, and love as they love, opens the door of opportunity to really understand and love the people as they really are; instead of how we think they are (through our very American lenses). We put together a few comparison facts between the United States and Kenya to help transport you from an American view of the Kenya to a Koderan view.

A fact that startled us right out of our seats is that the life expectancy difference between Kenyans and Americans is 23 years! [Makes you want to get up right now and go do something….maybe a lot of things on that list of “I will do it tomorrow or when I retire” list] Think of all the accomplishments and goals you have reached in the past 23 years! Think of all the things you will do in the NEXT 23 years. What if disease, malnutrition, clean water, and treacherous stretches of road kept you from reaching your goals? What if someone could do something…could show you how to make a to change so your child would live longer to realize more of their dreams……

A lot of people ask us why we at Sister Missions are called to Kenya and not to the needy in America. We are called to needs in America (see Motor City Blight Busters when Jeanna finally gets the site up….). Really though, addressing the question…..There are MANY reasons (great blog topic for later!)

To stay focused for now, one reason is the percent of people living below poverty level. In Kenya over 4 times the number of people are living under the poverty level compared to the United States. We know there are people in America living in poverty – you can not walk around parts of Detroit or Renton for that matter without seeing this first hand. But really think about 4 times what we see here for a moment – that is 18.45 million people or HALF of the total population of Kenya. That is a lot. What would we do if half of America was living under the poverty level? Ask for help……

Taking a slightly different approach… all really boils down to the Annual Per Capita difference. To make life easy (no joke intended) – all the figures in the table above are in US dollars. The exchange conversion is done. We compare dollars to dollars in the US fashion.

Per year the average American makes $44,970 and the average Kenyan makes $799. [Wow. We spend that on a plane ticket.] Now, we know what you are thinking… “things cost less in Kenya!”. Yes, they do cost less….but not THAT MUCH less!

It takes far more effort and work for Kenyans to earn that tomato for dinner then for us to earn a tomato. Just a little math…not much and we ARE simplifying….so don't shoot us down with intricate tax issues, kilos vs. pounds (we converted) and the fact that we don’t really buy tomatoes but go out to eat….. .

If we make $44,970 in a year (averaging 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year) that is $22.50 per hour. A Kenyan, working the same hours would make $0.40 per hour. 2 pounds (or about 1 kilo - yes I know it is 2.2 lbs but I wanted the math easy) of tomatoes costs Kenyans $0.71 – that is 1.78 hours of work. Do you buy 2 pounds of tomatoes for $39.94? Let’s just say that toilet paper is a luxury – for guests. (For more info on prices, inflation, etc check out:

Think about what you spend in one month on “necessities”. What could you live without - Three meals a day? Your car? Your bed and mattress? Bottled water? The grocery store? Your healthcare plan? Maybe... just one less latte a day?

Everyday Kenyans suffer because they do not have access to these things. Not because they don’t want them or do not need them but because they do not know a way of getting them. They need to learn, they want to learn. We want and are able to teach so that they can teach another, who teach others…….

Watch the video one more time with different lenses in your glasses. Could you REALLY see the love in their eyes even as you saw the need of their bodies? At the same time that we teach them how to improve their bodies, the Kodereans teach us a priceless lesson by example – their daily living situation may be breaking their bodies but it is not breaking their spirit.


at what happens through Love & Compassion

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