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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It’s Not Too Late to BE amazed!

BE amazed…at what happens through love & compassion

Thank you very much to everyone who has given such generous donations! We are forever grateful and appreciative. Take a look at the ways you, our supporters, have shown your love and compassion for this mission trip and the people of Kodera:

Donation Gifts to Date: $ 2,760
Computers Donated: 6
Prayer Partners: 20

It’s not too late to share a gift with Kodera! Yes, our posted deadline has past, but we are still very short of our goal of $7,500. Never has the need been greater. Please do not be offended by the directness; we are down to the last 27 days before departure and we have reached less than half our goal. We incurred many expenses, some of which we have already paid out of pocket (this is no free vacation…see below) and the remainder of the bill is due. We can not do this alone. Please share this adventure with your friends and family (If you prefer, contact us and we can share with them).

Lately, we have been answering many questions about what the larger picture/goal of the missions is, why Africa, why Kodera, why only 2 weeks, why the same village year after year, why such expense, is this a vacation, etc? First a word on the vacation issue and then a Koderan Story of Change…..

To set the record straight – this is in no way a vacation! Will we have fun? Yes; bonding, sharing, and learning with our Koderan friends. Will we see and experience new things? Yes. Will we be out and about being served the equivalent of Kenyan Mai Thais as we relax in the sun after dropping off a computer? No. We will be up before 6am to give additional computer help, attend the group sessions on strategy, self efficacy, and the book of Ruth. We will teach our own 2-3 (1.5 hour) blocks of lessons everyday, share meals, share of ourselves emotionally and spiritually and prepare for the next day’s lessons after closing around 11pm. We hope to be in bed asleep by 1am so we can rise before 6 and do it again. Are we complaining? NO! (Anyone that knows a Kiehle Sister knows we strive for packing the most into any experience). Be assured this is not a vacation! Now onto the story to explain the rest of the questions we have been answering as of late……a story of hope, a story of belief, a story of CHANGE……

25 years ago the people of Kodera were struck with a disease that caused blindness. Word spread around Kenya and quickly all Koderans’ were feared, shunned and the town was actually removed from the Kenyan map. Over time, the disease lifted and the people of Kodera were seeing again, but they were not seeing the same Kodera. Once a prosperous town, full of pride, Kodera was now seeing a town full of damaged people. Others laughed when Koderan children came around – they jeered and teased the children saying they could not pass the national exams and that they did poorly in school. These things damaged all of Kodera’s people, their self image and self worth. Koderans’ were no longer proud to be Koderan – they actually apologized for being Koderan, reinforcing the negative words of others.

Christopher (a Koderan) knew Koderans’ were just as good as everyone else – the children could make the same marks and the people could create an environment in which they were proud to live and be Koderan. Christopher came to the USA to be schooled and make connections to help his community be self sufficient. He saw the potential and believed. Seven years later, the Koderan Health Clinic and the PLCC Primary School are the best in the country! Today, Koderans lift their heads with pride and are excited to be Koderan!!

Christopher along with the other leaders in Kodera strive to keep the positive momentum rolling. Part of their plan for the future is to develop 5 and 10 year strategies for the community focusing on self efficacy to create a stable, advanced community that can provide for themselves, and create a healthy environment for future generations. On this trip the skills needed to develop community strategies for advancement, knowledge of the importance of self-speak/self efficacy (for themselves as well as the children) and specific skills in computers will be shared and put into action. The goal is to Teach Others, to Teach Others to Teach Others – to help spark a community into action and involvement so they may prosper on their own.

By sharing a donation gift with Kodera you are not just providing a “handout” you are effectively changing the lives of others in a very real way. Your love & compassion is very real, and will allow a community to continue to feel proud of the good work they do for themselves and others.

BE amazed…at what happens through love & compassion

Sister Missions chooses to live in this manner believing in the many deep, multifaceted ways love and compassion can touch many hearts and lives around the world. Unlike empathy, (unidirectional), Love and Compassion can flow between two people or between many people at the same time. Love and Compassion does flow both ways. To get your weekly and later daily “fill” from Kodera and the mission team, be sure to check back every Wednesday (for 4 more weeks) to read our newest post. While we are gone, we will post a thought everyday (Beginning July 30) and conclude this adventure for this year with our journal writings, pictures and stories when we return. Our hope is to share through our pictures and stories, the love and compassion that flows freely from the Koderans.

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