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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Kodera Update Part 4 of 4

Here is the last edition (part 4 of 4) of Christopher’s beautiful report on Kodera. We have gotten to know the people of Kodera a little more by learning the impact of the medical clinic, the affects of the church and the transformation through the school. Today experience the joy the caregiver program has provided as well as a brief look at the general political state of Kenya. Please enjoy!

By Christopher Sure
July 2008
(post 4 out of 4)


The caregivers program has been a big blessing to the people who have received such care as a manifestation of the love of God. The caregivers walked the paths that others dreaded and would not go. There are people who got ill for such a long time that their family members had to abandon them and only wished that death would come quickly and take them away. Their condition was so horrible that even their own sons and daughters feared getting close to them.

A man like the very old Peter, whose condition was so bad that he was hoping to die, received so much love and attention that he regained strength and longed for life rather than death. He was full of hate, curing and bitter even as he waited for his death. When the curtain finally fell on him, he was happy, smiling and thankful to God who gave him such care and a new life. The caregivers themselves are forever thankful to God for a unique opportunity of service to the people.

Emily: “My experience in the Care giving Program is very humbling. I did not know that some people I lived next to were in so much need for help until I offered myself for this service. I feel like I am fully participating in the great commission given to the disciples.”

Milka: “We see and get to know families more through this interaction. I am so very humbled by my experiences that I keep on reflecting in my own family and pray that we will remain a united, loving and caring family.”

Rose: “Some of the cases we meet remind me of the Biblical story of Lazarus and the rich man. People need to hear the voice of God now and not after death.”


After the general elections towards the end of the year 2007, the country went into a crisis following the dispute of the presidential results. The crisis saw the price of the basic commodities sky rocket and hunger and starvation quickly settle on the people everywhere in the republic. This came in after a drought that has already gravely affected the harvest. Everything looked horrible as everyone faced starvation and death.

Thanks to Pine Lake Covenant Church and sponsors of the kids at PLA the fertilizer that was sent brought lost of smiles to our people. Many people are waiting for quite a good harvest because they planted well with fertilizer. The crops are already ripe, (most of them), and the farmers are just waiting for them to dry so that they can harvest.

Daniel remarked that he is expecting a very good harvest this year because of the fertilizer gift: “Surely God lives. It is only that we abandon God and go away from Him. Then our lives become wretched and waste away. I did not know I would ever plant with fertilizer. Now I am going to get a very good harvest, all because of God. Surely God provides and He dwells in our church.”

Our people are full of praise and thankfulness to God and to the people of God in America who tirelessly sacrifice and watch out for their brothers and sisters in Kodera, Kenya to see that they are not harmed and lost.

You might remember the October/November 2007 caregiver kit drive. PLCC and surrounding organizations in the area pledged to fill a crate (over 7,500 kits) with caregiver kits to send to Africa. As you can see from Christopher, the kits and the training provided to the caregivers most certainly change lives. I am sure that Sister Missions will participate in the next caregiver Kit event…keep checking in for news on that.

Thank you Christopher for sharing such inspiring words with us so that we know just how much every little bit of help donated has assisted in creating such great change. For more information on any part of Christopher’s update, please contact Jeanna or Andrea. We would love to talk with you. Donations are welcome at any time. For more information on donating, please click here or contact us at

Our next posting will be on Wednesday! Until then…

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