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Monday, May 26, 2008

Meet Priscilla Larsen

Meet Priscilla Larsen! Priscilla is the Outreach Missions Coordinator for PLCC and will be our Team Leader for our trip to Nairobi. Priscilla knew she wanted to be a missionary from a very early age as she enjoyed ministering to her dolls every chance she could.

Priscilla became involved with Kodera 7 years ago when she met Christopher Sure shortly after he came to Issaquah to attend a small Lutheran Bible School (LBS). This is what Pricilla said of the meeting, “when I first began talking with him I actually got angry (inside) because of having spent so much money to come here and have one year of schooling paid for, when he could have taken that sizable chunk of funds and gone to a Kenyan school for 4 years! But as I began to understand his heart and passion, I began to think that as we were beginning to rethink our Global Missions' direction for Pine Lake Covenant Church in Sammamish, Washington, we should look into his community as one of our Partnerships. We finally sent a team, and the decision was made.”

The first mission team (of three people) traveled to Kodera in 2001, and this was just the impetus PLCC needed to get us “off the dime” and starting a Partnership in Mission with Kodera. Many wonderful accomplishments have occurred since the first trip to Kodera. Priscilla states, “I have had the incredible experience of watching a community 'come out of darkness and into the light' in the 7 years we have been pursuing our Partnership. Out of this has come a securing of their water system, understanding of health and hygiene, beginning a Certified Seed and Fertilizer Bank, helping them alter their health situation by funding a 3 room clinic that is manned by Kenyan nurses, getting a church started, and finally getting an elementary school going.” All the above initiatives, plus many others, have come from the Health Committee in Kodera. PLCC has responded to these initiatives with funds, encouragement and the sending of teams for this variety of initiatives yearly.

Priscilla is “passionate to see this community become the "city on the hill" that Jesus spoke about in Matthew and that the surrounding communities will see the "light of Christ" through them, and be drawn to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is happening, and being part of this community is one of the BIG joys of my life.”

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