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Monday, May 26, 2008


Words of encouragement we have received: (updated 7/15/08)


Hello Andrea and Jeanna:

Just wanted to let you to know that we have sent a donation to Sisters Missions by mail. We believe that the work you are doing and plan to do in Kodera, Kenya, Africa is very important, and hope that you will receive enough funding to pursue your goals.

You are both to be commended for pursuing your dream to help others in need. Because of your talent and skills, and your attitude, love, and compassion towards Kenya's people, you will be helping future generations lead a better life. By providing today's learners in Kodera with hands on experiences leading to skill development and knowledge, better jobs and opportunities WILL become a reality for some.Think of how wonderful that will be!

I being a teacher myself, was quite moved by your pictures of, and anecdotes about the African children. As a mom, teacher, and a human being I am thankful that you will be making a difference in some child's future there, no matter how big or small.I presently and happily sponsor an 8 year old girl, MusKhan, in India - my way to light a wee candle for a family's future there.

Please accept our donation as one more step closer to the realization of your dream.YOU GO KIEHLE SISTERS!!!!Look out Kodera folks -- here they come.God Bless. M&L


Andrea – The girls and I were happy to hear from you. I told them about your mission and they both wanted to help too. They dug into their own piggy banks to give. Jill came up with $3.80 and Hailey donated $6.00. I included their contributions in my check to avoid mailing cash. Good luck and God Bless you. Love S,H,J


Your trip sounds interesting. I have shied away from most short term missions in recent years because it became "cool" to go on an expensive mission vacation among some protestants. Drove me nuts. But I was touched by your letter and blog and will read further. I'm almost broke as a bum right now, but God has provided and maybe I can sell one of your houses and then it would please me to give some back to your mission.

Nice to read your letters; they're full of joy. PW


Jeanna -
The Kodera mission seems nothing short of amazing, you can count on me for some level of support, I am working on at least one laptop maybe more. God bless you and the "Sisters for Kodera" for your tireless effort and sacrifice, I'm anxious to hear more about the effort. Y


Hello Andrea and Jeanna, Please add me to you mailing list. I’m proud of all you do (even though I had nothing to do with your success). What an adventure! DV


I got your letter in the mail about your mission, wow this is awesome. I was waiting until today (payday!) to send you support. Steve and I would like to send $100 towards your goal and be on your prayer team. I should have the check in the mail today. I cant wait to hear about what happens while your there! God Bless! JR


Andrea and Jeanna! Good luck with your trip! You'll be in my thoughts! CS


Our prayers are with you for your mission trip. Our church has sent people to Nigeria, India and Argentina just this year. Love, D&S


Good for you Andrea and Jeanna! Blessings on you and your mission. PM


I wish you the best of everything while on your mission, you will be in my prayers whilst you are away. I expect to see hundreds of pictures, and hear thousands of stories upon your return. May God watch over you and your deeds. With all my love and support, CDE


Andrea and Jeanna it is good to hear from you and that God is doing great things in your lives. Please know that our prayers will be with you. RR

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