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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kodera Update Part 2 of 4

Here is Thursday’s (part 2 of 4) section of Christopher’s beautiful report on Kodera. Where yesterday’s post focused on the impact of the medical clinic, today’s selection shares the affect and effects the church continues to have and what it means to the people of Kodera. Please enjoy!

By Christopher Sure
July 2008
(post 2 out of 4)


The founding of this new Church has brought more gospel light for the community. The church has, over the past three years of its existence, grown tremendously in number. From a mere 15 members at its launch, to an average of 150 attending every Sunday service. To date, our church as seen up to 10 people being baptized in the Lord’s name while they are in their 60s and above. These people had never attended any church in their lifetime. They may not know what God had planned and never attended any church if it were not for this new church planted in Kodera. Many people have come to personally relate with God through the teachings and gospel message at our church.

Daniel: “So this is what a church is meant to be. For all the years of my life I have been attending churches for the sake of it. I merely presented my body and my joy lay in meeting and greeting friends after the church service. Now it is different with me. If I miss a Sunday service, I feel as if I have been deserted by everyone. I feel lonely and I only retain myself after I gather at a prayer meeting or on another Sunday service. The message of the Lord appealed to me directly and I meditate it on my own time. The church has impacted me and my family in a very special way.”

Michael: “I have been out in the cold for a long, long period of time. Now I dedicate the remainder of my life to the church.”

This year, 2008, we have seen eight families join our church. At the church conference last year, we resolved that we will take the lead in being light and salt to the Kodera community and its neighbors. We said to ourselves that we must be relevant to our community and so we resolve to respond to the various needs of the people within our means.

1) We visit the sick and pray for them in their homes and in hospitals, not minding whether they belong to our church or not.

2) We make contributions of grains and money to our members who need assistance.

3) We have bought uniforms for girls from various schools whose uniforms are torn after we have established that they cannot afford new ones.

4) Towards the end of last year, during our yearly program of prayer for the dedication of families to the Lord, the people responded by giving an offering of $750.00. That was God’s spirit working in our midst.

5) A visiting pastor at the close of our dedication service said “What I see is a great revival and it has begun here. I pray that this revival moves on to our other churches so that we will all rejoice at a great awakening.”

Other churches in our community have lamented that somehow we (our church) have become a threat to them. The threat is that they are losing their membership and the people they lose join us. But since we have not made a campaign for membership, those who join us come because they have seen something good in us and that is being the light and salt of the world. Dismas, a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and also an official in his church, is the one person who has stated that he has a big challenge in his house. His children have asked to be allowed to be members of our church. It has been months but he is still struggling to find the right answer for them since we have a great program for our adult Sunday school, middle level kids and High School kids.

Praise God! It is a beautiful thing to see a church grow. Please pray that the surrounding churches view change as an opportunity and not as a threat. Together, far more can be accomplished than alone. Sister Missions is truly blessed for the opportunity to work side by side with the community and church leaders. Not only will the computer skills help for 5 and 10 year community strategy planning, it will also help with budgets, donations, visiting (the sick) schedules, and more. This group of people will also learn PowerPoint enabling them to share more effectively with larger groups. Just imagine what the update will be next year! Your donations are assisting in the creation of a brighter future. Thank you so much for all your support. It is not too late to donate…

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