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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

TEACH OTHERS (double feature).....

So I will preface this entry because I know once you look down the page, you will be wondering why there are 2 “TEACH OTHERS” blog entries for today. A learning experience is around every corner…… Andrea and I work together to create these entries and so we both were working off our original draft from yesterday. I flat out did not look until just now and saw that there was already a post up. So you get both our versions this time; which actually illustrates one point in this posting…..same material, different takes (this is why we want your comments!). Enjoy this double feature!

TEACH OTHERS, To Teach Others, to teach others…

People teaching others, who in turn teach others, who also teach others. What a beautiful image! Think for a moment of something you learned from someone and then taught to someone else. Can you see the passing of the torch from one to another; the spark that starts a chain reaction? This is the central mission theme for our trip to Africa. We are not brilliant in a given field or by any means authorities on the subjects we teach. Instead, we have knowledge and skills learned from someone to share with another who will share with still another. And the chain continues. And the knowledge spreads. And change occurs.

The Bible says “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others”. (Timothy 2:2 NIV)

We all are teachers in some way; reading a book to a child, showing teens how to cook, being an example by opening a door for another. We teach through what we say, what we do, what we write, how we act, how we react…we teach all that are listening, watching, reading, experiencing. Do we really know the full impact of our words and actions on others? When was the last time you thanked someone for teaching you something….even if they did not even realize you were aware of their lesson?

The Koderans are very aware and ready to learn. We are blessed with the opportunity to provide lessons and resources to equip a small group of Koderans with the knowledge of computers, goal setting and strategizing. The workshop participants will then return home to teach others in their community who will then teach others, starting a chain reaction of knowledge.

We are all students also. When was the last time you opened your eyes and ears to become aware of what lessons are being shared around you? Last week in the blog entry A Priceless Lesson," we mentioned two little girls who gave all they had from their piggy banks – little do they know they gave more than the rich man, because their giving came from the heart. It all begins in the heart – what a powerful lesson. We all know this lesson…isn’t it wonderful to be reminded by such a pure and innocent example?

This week we again experience a wonderful lesson by example. We received this email from Andrea’s good friends in Canada.

Hello Andrea and Jeanna:

Just wanted to let you to know that we have sent a donation to Sisters Missions by

We believe that the work you are doing and plan to do in Kodera, Kenya, Africa is very important, and hope that you will receive enough funding to pursue your goals. You are both to be commended for pursuing your dream to help others in need. Because of your talent and skills, and your attitude, love, and compassion towards Kenya's people, you will be helping future generations lead a better life. By providing today's learners in Kodera with hands on experiences leading to skill development and knowledge, better jobs and opportunities WILL become a reality for some.

Think of how wonderful that will be! I being a teacher myself, was quite moved by your pictures of, and anecdotes about the African children. As a mom, teacher, and a human being I am thankful that you will be making a difference in some child's future there, no matter how big or small.

I presently and happily sponsor an 8 year old girl, MusKhan, in India - my way to light a wee candle for a family's future there.

Please accept our donation as one more step closer to the realization of your dream.

Look out Kodera folks -- here they come.

God Bless.

Thank you L&M for your beautiful, inspiring words. Your support, encouragement and understanding are so very much appreciated! Again, this is a lesson we all know: One grain of sand can turn the tide. When Sister Missions first made the decision to be a part of this adventure, we were not thinking of the larger, continuing impact of our part. We were only thinking that we have a skill, they have an immediate need to know this skill, we would share, end of story. But that is NOT the end of the story…..the story continues, the knowledge continues to flow, change occurs and the tide begins to turn. One act, one word, one bit of knowledge, one thought of hope is a grain of sand that will begin to turn the tide for change.

One of our first blog entries “The Power of One,” includes the lyrics and a video for the POWERFUL song by Bomshel titled “The Power of One.” Take a moment to click here, listen to the song, and read the lyrics with the following in mind (don’t forget to come back to this window to finish!):

With all the little things we do often do we pause to see how the smallest step can bring on a change? Is the tide the night illuminated...if not - How can you share a dream, a word, an act of love to spark a chain reaction for change?

To finish up and tie this entry together, one more lesson: One act of love from someone can start a chain reaction. We are amazed and our hearts are touched deeply by the stories we hear from our supporters. You are a spark for love in this world! Our supporters mean so much to us – We want to hear from you! Each person has a unique perspective and creative ideas and we want to hear them all. You never know who will learn something, see a concept from a different point of view or just be reminded of something already known. Please leave your thoughts/comments or feelings regarding the song “The Power of One” in the comment section of that blog entry. How did it move you, how did it make you feel, what ideas for change came to mind? Andrea has left her response to get you started. Actually now that I think about it….. please share your point of view at the end of EVERY blog entry! (who knows….maybe good things come from Kenya to those that share……).

One grain of sand...can turn the tide
One single spark...can light the night
One simple dream, One gentle word
One act of love
...from someone canstart a chain reaction
It all begins in the heart
In the power of one

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