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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kodera Update Part 1 of 4

Next week we are off on our adventure to Africa! Time has flown by very quickly. Thank you so much to those that have contributed physically, financially, mentally and spiritually. YOU are what makes this adventure possible! It is not too late to donate! We are still accepting donations. Please make your tax deductible check out to PLCC with J&A Kodera 2008 in the Memo line and mail to our address below.

For this week we have something very special to share. Christopher Sure (our team member in Kodera) has sent a beautiful report filled with updates on the projects going on in the village. There is too many wonderful activates to share in one blog so for the next 4 days (Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat) we have split the update report into smaller chunks to post while still keeping the letter as Christopher wrote. Please enjoy!

By Christopher Sure
July 2008
(post 1 of 4)

“Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told” Habakkuk 1:5.

The words of the prophet stated above cannot be bypassed when one is brining up or rather putting the Kodera community into the picture. I personally find the words very real and relevant to Kodera and to my work in Kodera through the partnership with Pine Lake Covenant Church. Over the past many years of partnership, God has done great things among the rural poor people of Kodera, Kenya that word of mouth cannot satisfacotily describe. Thus, we can only discern spiritually that it is God who is doing a new thing in our day! WHO IS LIKE THE LORD?


The very first short term missionaries set foot on Kodera soil in December 1999. These pioneers were: Doug Holderman (team leader), Todd and Lourie Anderson, and TJ. At a meeting with opinion leaders and stake holders of the Kodera community, the missionaries were asked if there was anything in particular that the community would wish that they as Pine Lake Covenant Church, could assist with to help improve the lives of the people. The response was a big YES. There was no mincing of words and the people of Kodera, through the few leaders who spoke, stated very clearly that what we needed most was assistance in the line of health care for; “we are a dying community”. The infant mortality rate was way above 50% at that time; a situation that cast a very dark shadow on the future generation of the Kodera people. That people lived in fear of death and hopelessness was evident in their lives and could be seen in their faces. It was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than to successfully present a case on responsible parenthood, family planning, and birth control. Parents needed many children and depended on good luck for those of their children who would survive and grow up into adulthood. Lack of any health care facility accessible to the people of Kodera also contributed to the many deaths of infants and their mothers during child birth. Giving birth to so many children was a reason for another grave problem, causing starvation. There were many mouths to feed, few hands and less energy to produce the food, leading to malnutrition and multiple diseases.

Today, the story is different, completely different. There has been an unbelievable about turn! In the year 2007 about 200 expectant mothers gave birth safely at the clinic (ANC), to healthy and bouncing babies. In the same year a total of 560 kids attended the regular child welfare clinic, and a total of 180 couples have voluntarily entered into the Family Planning program. The most popular birth control method is Depo-Provera injections. In the year 2008, Jan-June, 163 mothers and 270 children have attended the ANC clinic. One hundred and forty seven parents are on Family Planning. In 2008, the clinic has seen 21 babies born safely, one being a twin birth.

The curse of death has been lifted! Praise the Lord! There have hardly been any childhood deaths in Kodera and its immediate neighborhood served by the clinic since it began operation in August of 2004. It is a new dawn. It is a light shinning in a place once engulfed in deep darkness. Parents are now more concerned about the education of their children and dreaming of what their children will grow up to be, rather than watching in fear as death claimed them one after another. The more than 50% child mortality rate has been completely erased! If anything, we could talk of 0.01%. I wish therefore, with courage and boldness, to say that the people of Kodera do not have cases of childhood deaths anymore. Thanks to all and praise to God who is doing something new in our times!

Many mothers and parents whose children are born at St. John’s clinic have named their children after the short term missionaries. Priscilla is a leading name among the girls and also among the people of Kodera and the Kissii community that borders Kodera. Other names include Mary Jane, Zack, Larry, Gretchen, Melissa, Cindy, Ralph, Kathy and many more. In the near future, there will be many similar names to those of the people on the Sammamish hills. It is important to note that in the Luo culture, naming your child or bull, etc… after someone means that the person is greatly esteemed, respected and honored. What would Kodera give in appreciation for the hearts of love that has flowed like water that quenches every thirst? Let the names to this.

Isn't God Wonderful! Sister Missions is so grateful to have the opportunity to with the Koderans and participate in this awesome change. We will be teaching Word and Excel to the clinic workers to help them keep client files, supply inventory records, work schedules, and much more. Please keep us in your thoughts.

Please check back tomorrow for the second section of Christopher’s Kodera update.

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