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Monday, May 26, 2008

Meet Andrea & Jeanna Kiehle

Meet the Kiehle sisters of Sister Missions. Living in America, touching the world, we gather experiences, knowledge and occasionally wisdom. Passionately we grow our genuine love and interest in people. Drawn to believe there is a better way... compassionately we share our hearts with others. Sustained by the God’s enduring love; Known by friends and colleagues as the Kiehle Sisters; We are Sister Missions.

So you say, "That is a nice paragrah...but I want to know more about the individual sister".....So we say, "Coming as soon as we get the rest of the Kodera Trip information up for you. Stay focused on the Adventure!

Ok - so Andrea got her act together. Here is a bitty bit on Andrea Kiehle:

I have always had a great love for Kenya! Ever since I can remember I wanted to travel to Kenya, see the people and see elephants in their native environment. My first experience traveling to Kenya was last year when I had the chance to go up north to Karare to collect behavior health data for my masters thesis. Upon arrival in Karare my heart was stolen by Kenya. God opened my heart, my eyes and my soul to Kenya and its people.

I am so privileged to go on this year’s mission trip with PLCC and all the talented team members. I am hoping to learn a great deal from my team members an well as the people from Kodera. Along with my sister Jeanna, we will instruct the teachers of Kodera on computer usage to help them gain an edge on the Kenyan teachers’ mandate that requires all teachers be computer literate in 4 years. We will be working with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher. I am excited to experience how my love and compassion for Kenya and its people will affect all my new friends in Kodera!

To read more about what this trip means to me and the inspiration I have for this trip please visit the Power of One blog entry (first comment). Don't forget to leave your own comment about the Power of One!

Jeanna's is still waiting to be written......She is currently attempting to figure out the codeing....

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