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Monday, May 26, 2008

Meet Christopher Sure

We are pleased to introduce our Koderan contact Christopher Sure and his lovely wife Florence! Christopher was born the 5th child of 10 (only 8 live today) to a Catholic family but did not come to faith until age 11. Upon graduation from high school Christopher went through a revival of his soul and committed his life to Christ. Now the question: "how would he best serve God so that God could see that he was thankful?" Christopher went to Teacher training college. It was during this time he began to see the plight of his people, and their need for finding freedom in Christ. This understanding propelled him into the next challenge in his life of faith - sharing with all he came near, including his family, about Christ's freedom available to them.

After marriage to his life partner, Florence (they met in discipleship training during college) and the birth of Victoria (their first born), God led him down another avenue in his walk of faith – ministering to youth. During this time it became evident that Christopher would need further education - especially a formal training in Bible knowledge. For 5 years he prayed for this opportunity.

God answered his prayers and with the help of Seattle-ites, Christopher came to Washington and attended LBI in December 1998. He came by faith that God would continue to provide for his needs and his family’s needs back in Kodera.

Christopher attended LBI for almost a year when another couple from Seattle brought him to Pine Lake Covenant Church and introduced him to the Mission Commission. He became a member of the Commission and began the long term partnership between PLCC and the community of Kodera, Kenya.

Again, by faith, Christopher began sharing with us what God was doing spiritually in his community and surrounding communities. And so here we are today, 5 years later, having the privilege of sending another small team to continue helping with community development as a means of bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to those that do not have a living relationship with our Savior.

Christopher is the primary liaison between Kodera and PLCC. He has put in a tremendous amount of effort to help us get ready for this trip and we are hoping to provide Christopher with other trained community members to help Christopher and the community make decisions in the future regarding our mission trips.

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