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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not So Typical Days

The typical day started about 5.30am for us. Andrea would wake up and turn on the hot water for the shower. We would then rise about 6am get ready for the day and have breakfast. Mornings were filled with many greetings and inquiry as to how everyone slept. After breakfast the hard work began. Usually two lessons were covered during each period of instruction, after which we would break out for computer instruction and engineering lessons. (Be sure to read about those adventures in the “break out” blog). The primary 21 Keys lessons were taught using a DVD, instruction manual and small group sessions. In the pictures below you will see all the wonderful work that took place. Andrea’s favorite time was the small group discussion. During these times we learned a great deal about Luo culture. For example, it is Luo custom to wait for the elders to begin a project. If the elder is out of town, the project does not commence until the elder returns. Therefore, if it is time to plant crops and the elder was not present, the crops would go unplanted. This was one specific area the Koderan leaders wanted to target. The want to train the younger generations on planning techniques and get the crops in the ground when planting is optimal.

The day was also scattered with tea time (a favorite of both Andrea and Jeanna). Kenyan chi is so wonderful. It tastes different than the chi we think of in the states. We also took time to sing and dance during the day; Luo culture is full of fun songs. A few of our favorites were the Mosquito Dance and the We Thank You Jesus song which is sung in English, Kiswahili and Luo. We also learned the Doxology in Luo!

We also had a few celebrations during our time in Kenya! First Jeanna celebrated her birthday on the 6th of August. The whole group surprised her by singing Happy Birthday that morning. She was really surprised! MJ also told of a birthday celebration. She had a birthday state side and requested no presents but announced donations could be made for the purchase of bikes for the medical staff. Pictured below MJ presented the medical staff with a check to buy 5 new bikes!!

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