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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Teaching Others

Our mission from God was to Teach Others to teach others. As it says in Timothy 2:2 – And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.

While the Bible is specifically referring to the Good News, we too are capable of sharing our resources and knowledge as it benefits others lives. We did exactly this, shared the Good News with many new friends and shared our personal knowledge to help them help themselves.

As Priscilla, our team leader recently wrote, it is customary to end a story with the “bottom line"; but because we are so excited to tell you about the success of the Kodera Adventure we will start with the bottom line and then tell you how we got there!

Bottom Line: 27 of Kodera’s primary leaders were given the opportunity to dream audacious goals for their community. Through the training, they were able to instigate changes in strategic areas they determined must be changed. Additionally, they did not ask for one penny to accomplish any of their goals. 12 of the leaders also spent at least 5 hours a day dedicated to computer skills training. Many of leaders had never used a computer before the training began. The rapid skills uptake was amazing. They came away from the computer training with the knowledge of how to utilize the computer to help accomplish their goals. All the participants graduated after the training and are now ready to teach their fellow community members back in Kodera.

How it Happened: Brad Board of the Pacific Institute taught the “21 Keys for Higher Performance Teaching and Learning”. The curriculum is designed to help the student learn how their brain works and why it works that way. They also learn to release themselves; to dream big and not let the “how” get in the way. Our team included scripture verses to show how God really is the instigator of Truth, which helped to illuminate the main concepts of the teachings and to provide the reason for “why” they were learning the material.

Conversations began slowly, as this was a new way of thinking for the leaders of Kodera. However, by Saturday when Christopher took over leading, the Koderan team was ready to run with their new found knowledge. Challenged with the question “what are we dreaming for Kodera?” as posed by Christopher, they began to assimilate the information into constructive pathways for Kodera. The leaders identified all the large areas in their community they felt had major problems that needed to be addressed. They then broke into smaller groups to set the specific goals they wanted to achieve. (Below in the slide show you will see their actual work in progress).

The leaders left the conference empowered to change their community by their actions, attitudes, habit patterns and discretion. We as a team can’t wait to see the positive changes that will take place over the next year!

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